Roman/Arabic/Oriental number converter

Available for iPhone, iPad
iOS/iPadOS 12 or newer

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Overview - What is Romanoff?

What year was MCMXCIX?

How do you write 333 or 1066 in Roman numerals?

What is 88,237 in Japanese or Chinese using the simple characters, or using the traditional "Banker/Financial" characters?  Romanoff will show you in a heartbeat.

SchwanSongs presents an elegant Roman/Arabic/Oriental number converter, for free!


Pricing & Download

Romanoff is a free application

Click below to download from the App Store:



  • Handles any number between 0 and 39,999 for Roman, or up to 99,999 for either Chinese or Japanese.
  • No need to "switch modes", just type your Roman or Arabic number.
  • Allows you to type Roman "guesses" and it converts them to proper prefixed format for you. For example, if you type "IIII", it will convert it to 4 and print the more common prefix-notation "IV".
  • Software is localized into: French, Spanish, German, Russian, Swedish, Chinese Simplified and Traditional, Japanese.

What's New in This Version

1.5.0, July 2021

  • You can tap each converted number to copy it to the clipboard for pasting into other documents.
  • Better screen layout on all device sizes, and supports accessibility text resizing.
  • Support for iOS 12 and up.

Screen Shots

iPhone (English):


iPad dark mode (Japanese):


What is next?

Well, what would YOU like? If you let me know what things you would like to see next, and I will add them to my to-do list for the next update!

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